Straight Talking
America’s Dark Knight of the Soul
The notion is occurring to me that America has just entered its dark night of the soul. Anyone experienced in this process will testify that when you're in it, it's very hard to see the wood for the trees. Your vision is distorted. You lack clarity and you disconnect from intuition [...]
I’ve been hired!
Coming out of my shell has been a lengthy process of 2 steps forward one step back. I, like most of us, was brought up to believe that if you had a good job, you had made it. You were a success. So after school, I knew that I wanted to [...]
An authentic imposter
It has been really interesting to experience the fallout of the creation of my new identity on facebook. Most friends thought I was an imposter and sent private messages asking if I was aware someone was cloning my page. Grateful for their concern, I was also amused... in fact the previous [...]
Starting something new… and letting go with ease
The past few weeks have seen pretty dramatic changes in my life. But not in a "oh God how am I going to cope?" way. These changes feel like a culmination of a better version of myself that I have been working on for the past I don't know how many [...]