America’s Dark Knight of the Soul

The notion is occurring to me that America has just entered its dark night of the soul. Anyone experienced in this process will testify that when you’re in it, it’s very hard to see the wood for the trees. Your vision is distorted. You lack clarity and you disconnect from intuition and logic. You are blindly led by an illusionary leader. One you believe will lead you to a higher place.
Having been through this process myself in some depth, I can safely say that were it not for this experience, I would not be in the strong position I am now – eyes and heart wide open, largely realigned to my Higher purpose. I look back and I am extremely grateful for that crucial drop into the depths of darkness. This was my test of strength, my initiation to a higher vibration.If we look at the state of consciousness of the world, maybe middle America is now taking on the conscious choice of change – note the East and West coasts were largely democratic voters.
As the Republican consciousness enters this phase of evolution, on our collective behalf, perhaps it is up to anyone who can see the bigger picture more clearly, to honour this choice as a necessary step towards a brighter future. It is up to us to hold compassion, truth, connection and hope for humanity.

This is a reflection of our collective dark night. Patience, gratitude and wisdom are going to be key over the next four years. It is time to embrace the darkness and integrate it into our collective psyche. We’re all in this together. The time for them and us is over. Now what can we create towards a better world we know is possible?

By | 2017-09-27T11:55:53+00:00 November 9th, 2016|All|1 Comment

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One Comment

  1. sharon October 11, 2016 at 12:00 pm - Reply

    So true Tracey and just noticed the date 9/11…let’s stand together sending love and healing to all x

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